Celebrate World Communion Sunday with us

Sunday October 6, 2024  |  One service at 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary


Organ Project

Thank you for your interest in the

First Presbyterian Organ Project

In 2022 an ad hoc committee of the Worship Committee began a year-long process of study and preparation for replacing the organ in the sanctuary. 

Based on this work, in the fall of 2023 the Session approved the purchase and installation of a Cornel Zimmer hybrid organ with both pipe and digital components.  This instrument will greatly enhance worship.  

As we move forward, we give thanks for the hundred-year-lifespan of our 1922 Estey organ and look forward to the future with our new hybrid organ! 

Installation of the new organ will begin in the spring of 2024

Project Information


The organ at First Presbyterian Church was installed when the current sanctuary was built in 1923. 

The current organ is a 1922 Estey traditional pipe organ with 12 ranks and 2 keyboards. The pipes for this organ have been housed in a room behind the choir loft. The visible pipes in the sanctuary, while much beloved, are merely ornamental and do not function.

As this wonderful instrument enters its second century, it requires more maintenance. Over the years repairs and upgrades from multiple companies have led to a lack of cohesion in the instrument and notes often have to be omitted from music in worship due to mechanical issues.

New Organ

The new organ will be installed by August 2024. The instrument will be a Cornel Zimmer hybrid organ with 50 ranks (8 pipe ranks and 42 digital ranks) and a new movable console with 3 keyboards. The pipe ranks will be moved into the sanctuary, eliminating the acoustical issues that come from their current placement behind the choir loft. The pipes in the sanctuary will be mounted in casework above the doors on either side of the chancel area. 

The current pipe facade located behind the choir loft will remain intact and many of the current pipes will be refurbished and used alongside new pipes. 

What does it means to have a hybrid organ?  The new organ will have both traditional pipe and digital components. The digital components will extend the tonal palatte of our organ immensely. Having digital components will also allow for expansion in the future without having to worry about space constrictions.


How to help


A new organ is quite literally a once in a century endeavor! The cost is $400,000 and we are very grateful for the gifts that have already been received for this project.  Contributions are coming from individuals, families, and groups within our church and are essential as we move forward. 

Click on the buttons below to commit your financial support to this project.  Questions regarding pledges or gifts can be directed to Christi Yenser, Financial Administrator.

Follow the Progress

Check for updates via the newsletter, social media and this website. We will update progress on fundraising and the installation of the new organ as often as possible. 

Prayer and Support

The Organ Committee and Staff have worked hard on this project and will continue to be inolved with every decision as the installation of the organ takes place. Your prayers and encouragement are appreciated as we navigate the process. 

Organ Fund Pledge Card

To be paid
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